C8N8O16[ONCBN] is a Null Sec PvP corp.
We are a mainly Japanese corporation and we are currently looking to add new combat pilots to our roster.
About us:
We are looking for experienced PVP pilots. We are a member of Pandemic Horde.
Our primary time zone is from late AUTZ to early EUTZ. However, we do have members who's active in the lest of time zones as well.
* 20 million skill points or above and some combat skills.
* Willingness to train doctrines.
* Having Capital, Scout, or some kind of PvP alt
* Corp hoppers,Dramaguys, are not accepted
* Headset with mic
* Our main language is "Japanese". You will need a certain level of Japanese language skills to communicate with us.
* Active pilots who utilize voice comms, forums, and our all communication tools.
* Participation in corp/alliance events and PVP
What we can offer
* Ally / Corp's SRP
* Great environment for crabbing (Dronelands :D)
* Alliance PVP fleets
* Corp Buy Back program
* Corp leaded operations
We are looking for people in any time zones!!
If you are interested, Please contact to "Muraku Butler". This will be available on in-game mail only.